Online Presence of Campaigns


In the year of 2018, Cuomo and Molinaro ran for governor. At first glance, one can look to their personal websites. For a first impression, Cuomo has more organized sections that can be scrolled over that state his beliefs, his dates for press conferences, etc. Molinaro is less organized on the website, but focuses a lot on donating, volunteering, and staying connected to him. The website shows that they are both involved in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube, seemingly displaying a wide array of online presence.

Looking closer to specifics of their social media, I looked to Twitter. Both candidates seem to post about 5 times a day, often reposting or liking posts that align to their interests. Their strategies seem to differ a lot on Twitter, however. Molinaro seems to post more emotional content, often including pictures of children, or even his own, in order to garner sympathy from his supporters. Cuomo tends to create more factual content, displaying what he plans or would like to get involved in. Andrew Cuomo has more online presence on Twitter, having 25.5K tweets and 852K followers while Molinaro has only 18.7K tweets and only 15.7K followers. In comparison, Cuomo gets more responses to his tweets and the followers seem to be more involved. Overall, both use Twitter for quick bursts of information and support for themselves, being more informal than other forms of social media.

Looking closer to a different form of social media, Facebook, the results are similar in that Cuomo has a larger following on his page. Both seem to post less on Facebook, about once a day in comparison to Twitter. The Facebook pages are more tailored to have comments and be an outlet for people to speak to each other rather than Twitter which is more informal. Cuomo is more backed on both forms.

A general trend is that Cuomo has more followings on the different online outlets. This obviously comes from the fact that Cuomo is the incumbent candidate and has been for a while. However, this exposes the reasons that the incumbent wins more often. The incumbent candidate is able to have built more continuous online presence in which additional people add to the followings from previous elections. It is quite interesting that different social medias are used in different ways that are tailored towards the audience of the social media platforms. Young people tend to be more on Twitter and like quick fast information opposed to Facebook which fosters an older audience that chats with one another in arguments. These different tactics obviously matter, as Cuomo has won for several elections.

One thing to consider is that an online presence is so difficult to gauge, especially after having read the article, Cambridge Analytica and the Secret Agenda of the Facebook Quiz. This article speaks about the methods in which personalities of people are marked, watched, and used to target dark posts and even normal posts towards certain audiences. The fact that Cuomo is involved with Working Families, Independents, and Woman Equality may be relevant as these audiences may be getting either more negative news on Molinaro and more positive on Cuomo. Personally, I have only really seen Cuomo be involved and have not known about Molinaro until doing research. This is important to note that the online presences of these candidates is very tricky because I am most likely not able to see all the sides, articles, and posts from each candidate. It is scary to see that it is becoming harder and harder to predict the outcomes of these elections because of this. The success is often measured by the public by comments made by candidates and actions done, but how can we know what to trust?

Below, are the actual results of the votes in 2018 in correlation to the fact that Cuomo seemed to have a larger online presence.

Snapchat’s Privacy Statements

I was unsure what to expect from the policy settings of any application on my phone, due to the fact that I never read them. I simply click “accept terms and conditions” because I am so impatient in getting to what I want. I have never considered reading them and did not think much about what could be hidden within privacy statements released by companies. This reminded me of “Skim Reading is the New Normal, because I realized how different the times are. Many people from older generations are more hesitant and aware of what breaches in privacy could do, but even as I was seeing the horrifying statements from Snapchat, I could only think about how I wanted to get this over with, finding myself glossing over the words. Snapchat even attempted to make the privacy policy more user friendly by using informal language. I cannot imagine how it would be to read Apple’s privacy agreements that uses complex words and about 50 more pages of fluff words to cover their ass.

I found that Snapchat collects all forms of information that is sent through the app, whether it be chats, pictures, or stories. The statement stated that it would maybe delete the pictures and chats automatically, but could not guarantee this. It stated that stories were kept for a longer amount of time, and locations that a person visited would be kept for up to 40 days. Snapchat continued by saying that many things were tracked, including filters used, stories viewed, and advertisements. This information could be exchanged between third parties in order to foster ads that are relevant. Snapchat states that information can also be shared to other snapchatters as well as their business partners and the general public. Snapchat additionally tracks what devices your phone is connected to including bluetooth devices, headphones, and laptops.

I think that the most interesting part of the whole privacy statement is that Snapchat states that you can limit a lot of these privacy functions BUT this will come with losing a lot of functionality. It is almost like it is a bribe in order to get the information out of you. It seems inevitable because everyone uses these apps, so to keep up with the times, it feels like you have to give in.

This is the kind of data that has been taken and passed on to support the last presidential election, as depicted inThe Data that Turned the World Upside Down.” The information from Snapchat could have been part of the information that is passed on to elections, who can literally find out interests from the number of likes on pictures and the clicks you put on the page, which is insane. This article really made me wonder if anything in the future can be completely fair anymore. With new technologies, there will always be subliminal messages on our feeds of social media and aggressive advertisements that cover the pages of our brains. It is crazy to think that the people who took our information from Facebook additionally helped the ultimate goals of Brexit as well as other revolutions. If this is true, people are well unaware of the way that innocent things like our phones basically make decisions for us.

Personally, I have never covered my laptop’s camera and never really considered to because I did not think that my information could be exploited, but after reading the Snapchat privacy statement and the articles from class last week, I realize that it is not necessarily a matter of whether they are exposing my information to the public, because that does not matter to me, especially because I do not have very provocative information. However, the issue stands to be that companies could use this information to affect the way I think and I would not even know it. This is scarier for me because it is hard to know whether my opinions, supported by things I read online, were strategically placed to me. Someone else may have made my thoughts. So what should I do?
